Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday 30th September

Ooh no more sleeps and I am very excited and once again a little apprehensive about going so far by myself but once I get going I am right, had a reasonable nights sleep but woke a few times thinking of things to pack. Busy day today had to go to travel agent in Burnie and pick up new itinerary, few odd jobs in town, visiting some friends to say goodbye and home for lunch, phone calls, last minute packing and internet jobs. My son Adam is picking me up at 5.30pm to take me to Wynyard airport for departure to Melbourne at 6.30pm where I stay overnight ready to catch 6.30am flight to Sydney in morning and then onto Auckland, Santiago and finally Quito, Eucador where my tour begins. My itinerary from Quito to Lima is as follows:-
Thursday 2nd Oct - Quito free day, orientation walk, pre-departure meeting
Friday 3rd Oct - Quito to Otavalo a beautiful town famous for it's markets
Saturday 4th Oct - Return to Quito
Sunday 5th Oct - Quito to Tena to Misahualli
Monday 6th Oct - Misahualli to Ecuadorian jungle, canoe up Tena River, trek into jungle
Tuesday 7th Oct - Return to Misahualli
Wednesday 8th Oct - Misahualli to Banos, 9 hour bus journey
Thursday 9th Oct - Banos, free day to enjoy extreme adventures
Friday 10th Oct - Banos to Cuenca, 8 hour bus journey
Saturday 11th Oct - Cuenca, free day, option to visit panama hat factory
Sunday 12th Oct - Cuenca, free day
Monday 13th Oct - Cuenca to Mancora, goodbye to Ecuador hello Peru, 9 hour bus journey
Tuesday 14th Oct - Mancora Beach, free day
Wednesday 15th Oct - Mancora to Huanchaco, 7 hour bus journey,
Thursday 16th Oct - Huanchaco, free day
Friday 17th Oct - Huanchaco to Lima, 9 hour bus journey
Saturday 18th Oct - Tour ends for me and I fly to Cusco to begin my volunteering project

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